Hey babe i know things are stressful
Hey babe i know things are stressful

hey babe i know things are stressful

There’s not always an obvious external event or ‘final straw’. This may involve an adjustment of lifestyle factors, practicing self-care, or seeking help from a GP or therapist. So they’re worth paying attention to – and taking action if you can. The warning signs are often there before you reach the point of feeling constantly overwhelmed.

hey babe i know things are stressful

Or it may suggest a mental health difficulty you’re struggling with. It might be due to chronic stress at work. This can be due to a particularly rough patch, with lots of difficult events to deal with, one on top of another. But what if you feel overwhelmed all the time? Rather like ‘burnout’, chronic overwhelm can be the result of an accumulation of stress over a long period of time. We commonly feel overwhelmed for a limited period in response to a specific trigger. Our capacity to deal with stuff becomes obverburdened, and we reach breaking point sooner. Living through a global pandemic is exhausting. We’ve all had a lot to cope with in recent years, and even things we might previously been able to deal with can suddenly seem too much. It’s hard to stay on top of things if you’re not getting enough sleep and are tired all the time. You don’t have to do it all perfectly too – you’re only human! Sometimes just getting through the day is a win. If everything always has to be perfect, you’re giving yourself a greater burden. Such as moving house, starting a new job, getting married or having a new baby. Such as a bereavement, relationship breakup, job loss, bankruptcy, accident, illness or abuse. Do you have too much to do, or work in a stressful, demanding job? Or do you find yourself routinely working evenings and weekends? Reasons you might feel overwhelmed include: You’ve come to the limit of your resources. Something seemingly small may be the ‘final straw’ that breaks the camel’s back.

Hey babe i know things are stressful series#

Sometimes, a series of small problems, challenges and hardships can build up, especially if they come in quick succession. Overwhelm can occur for a short burst of time, or over a much longer period. Just when you need to, to deal with whatever is going on to make you feel this way. But, whatever the cause, you may feel stunned, frozen and unable to act. There may be obvious external triggers, such as work – or there may be no obvious apparent reason. You might feel overwhelmed by your thoughts, emotions and problems. It’s when everything suddenly seems too much, and we don’t think we can cope. Or you may wonder: “Why do I feel overwhelmed all the time?” Here are some reasons you might feel overwhelmed – and what you can do about it. Or perhaps you feel overwhelmed for no apparent reason at all. Maybe you feel overwhelmed at work – or overwhelmed with life in general. It’s no wonder that everything just feels too much sometimes. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? It’s been a difficult couple of years for all of us.

Hey babe i know things are stressful